As part of your benefits plan, you will have access to, a platform by which individuals seeking medical care are matched with high quality doctors, hospitals, surgery centers, and other medical professions around the world who will offer transparent, competitive pricing on medical care.
What does this mean to you?
Employees under a Defined Reimbursement Health Plan
If you choose a bid price that falls within your plan’s allowable:
100% of your medical care will be paid for by the plan. In addition, some employers will include a travel allowance.
If you choose to go to a higher priced medical provider:
You will minimize your out of pocket expenses.
For medical care not covered by your plan
You can source competitive cash pricing on medical care from high quality medical providers based on the values that mean most to you.
How much can I save?
$100+ on requests such as imaging and diagnostics
$1,000+ on simple procedures such as colonoscopies (even with travel expenses)
$10,000+ for major surgical requests
How do I use MediBid?
Step 1: Make sure your profile is accurate and fill in missing information
You can change your password at this time. MediBid does not share or sell any information on the site. In addition, Doctors and medical facilities cannot see any identifying information until you accept a bid.
Step 2: Submit a medical request for yourself or family member
You define the parameters of medical care you want to receive, such as how far you are willing to travel (if at all) or what the maximum is that you are willing to pay.
Helpful Hint: Uploading x-rays, pictures, and diagnostic notes (you can black out identifying information) increases medical providers’ ability to give you a competitive bid.
Family Member Requests: The option for submitting a request for a family member is at the bottom of the request form. Once you have selected their relation to you, a drop down asks you their general health questions.
Step 3: See the bid price, what the price includes, and bidder profiles
Determine value for your healthcare dollar by reviewing each physician’s price, as well as their education, training, experience, and other credentials.
Step 4: Accept a bid
You will receive an email confirmation including the winning Bidder’s contact and licensing information. This allows you to confirm that this is the medical facility or doctor for you, as well as schedule an appointment.
Step 5: Payment
If the bid you accepted falls within the plan’s allowable: 100% of your medical expenses will be paid for. In some cases, you will also receive a travel allowance.
If the bid you accept is more than the allowable: You pay the difference directly to the medical provider.
If the bid you accept is for an uncovered procedure: You pay the medical provider directly.